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Dr Amandeep Singh

Designation: Professor and Head Of Department

Medical Reg. No.: HN 19895

Departments: General Medicine

Educational Qualification

Education MBBS, MD

Area Of Interest

Area Of Interest Medicine


1. Amandeep Singh Kaloti et al. “A study of upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy in patients of dyspepsia in a rural setup” : IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-3, March-2018, Page 09-10.

2. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ A case of non-rheumatic carditis in ayoung male leading to dilated cardiomyopathy”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-6, June-2018, Page 41-43.

3. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ A case of sensory stroke”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-4, April-2018, Page 1-2.

4. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ A case of myasthenia gravis”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-4, April-2018, Page 3-5.

5. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ A case of ventricular tachycardia with comorbities.” IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-4, April-2018, Page 64-66.

6. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “A case of autoimmune CKD with autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto’s)”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 54-55.

7. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “A case of rheumatoid arthritis with vasculitis with recurrent TIAs”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 56-57.

8. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “A case of Wallenburg’s syndrome with comorbidities”. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 58-59.

9. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. ‘’A case of congenital bicuspid aortic valve with aneurysm of ascending aorta’’. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 60.

10. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. ‘’A case of liver abscesses with septic emboli in the lungs’’. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 61-62.

11. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. ‘’A case of Ulcerative Colitis’’. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 63-64.

12. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. ‘’A case of recurrent CVAs due to Infective Endocarditis’’. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 65-66.

13. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. ‘’A case of Leptospirosis without renal involvement’’. IJSR, Volume-7, Issue-11, November-2018, Page 67-68.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of old operated CA Prostate with recurrence with Paraneoplastic Syndrome. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. November 2019; 8(11): 9-11.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. Paraneoplastic Syndrome secondary to Prostate Cancer. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. December 2019; 8(12): 41.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. June 2020; 9(6): 43.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. SGLT-2 inhibitors and Incretin based therapies in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. December 2019; 8(12): 42.

Chahal S, Govil N, Nadda A, Kaloti AS, Gupta N. Impact of a brief structured psychoeducation session on antiepileptic drug adherence and treatment outcome in Persons with Epilepsy: a prospective cohort study. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology (AIAN) 2020 (accepted for publication).

Govil N, Chahal S, Gupta N, Nadda A, Kaloti AS. Factors associated with non-adherence to Anti -Epileptic drugs in below poverty line patients with epilepsy: a cross sectional study. Journal of Neuroscience in Rural practice 2020 (accepted for publication).

Charanjeet Kaur, Savita Jha, Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ The study of intracervical Foleys catheter and PGE2 gel in a rural setup.”JEMDS, Volume-2 Issue-51, December -2013 Page 9966-9970.

. Vij AS, Shah MY, Singh N, Sharma SK, Amandeep Singh Kaloti. “ Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia presenting with high grade fever : A case report.” Int J Res Med Sci 2015 ; 3: 3882-4.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. Accepted for publication

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of first episode of Multiple Sclerosis. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. Accepted for publication.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of Cerebellopontine angle tumour presenting as Seizure disorder. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. Accepted for publication

. Amandeep Singh Kaloti. Cerebellopontine angle tumour. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. Accepted for publication

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. Systemic Sclerosis- A review article. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. Accepted for publication

. Kaloti AS, Kadian J, Garg A, Garg R, Garg V. A study of the knowledge of diabetes mellitus in the patients of diabetes mellitus in Karnal, Haryana. JCDR. 2022: 2935-2939.

Kaloti AS, Kadian J, Garg A, Garg R, Garg M. A Study of the Demographic Profile and Clinical Features of Snake Bites in Patients Attending Tertiary Care Centre in Karnal, Haryana. International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research 2023; 13(1); 238-243.

Kaloti AS, Garg A, Chauhan A. A CASE OF TRANSVERSE MYELITIS. International journal of Scientific Research. Volume - 12 | Issue - 08 | August - 2023 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 – 8179, 10-11.

Kaloti AS. SCLERODERMA. International journal of Scientific Research. Volume - 11 | Issue - 08 | August - 2022 | PRINT ISSN No. 2277 - 8179 | DOI : 10.36106/ijsr, 11-12.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. January 2022; 11(1): 63-64.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti. A case of first episode of Multiple Sclerosis. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. January 2022; 11(1): 65-66.

Amandeep Singh Kaloti et al. A case of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. International journal of Scientific Research. pISSN No 2277-8179. February 2022; 11(2): 44-45

Kaloti AS, Kumar S, Inamdar AH, Acharya S. A study of cardiac status by 2D-Echocardiography in the peripartum period in a rural setup. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(4): 1-2.

Kaloti AS, Hariya M, Gupta M. A case of old operated CA Prostate with recurrence with paraneoplastic syndrome. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(11): 9-11.

Kaloti AS. Paraneoplastic syndrome secondary to prostate cancer. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(12): 41.

. Kaloti AS. SGLT-2 inhibitors and incretin based therapies in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2019; 8(12): 42.

Kaloti AS. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2020; 9(6): 43.