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Emergency No. : +91 - 184 - 2268811
Labour Ward No. : +91 - 184 - 2266133
Dr. Nivesh Agrawal Professor and Head of Department
Designation: Medical Superintendent
Medical Reg. No.: 3892
General Surgery
Education | MBBS. M.S (General Surgery) FAIS, FIAGES, FCLS, FMAS, B.Sc, B.A, LLB MBA (Hospital Administration) |
Area Of Interest | Laparoscopic, Oncology , Urology |
Research in progress | |
Research Completed |
Research Papers Accepted for Publication I. “Appendigitis epiploicae : Recently diagnosed as an important differential diagnosis in patients presenting with acute abdomen.’’ JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCHES IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (A Peer Reviewed Indexed Medical Journal) ( Index Copernicus) II. “Early versus delayed Cholecystectomy following an attack of Acute Cholecystits.’’ JOURNAL OF ADVANCE RESEARCHES IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (A Peer Reviewed Indexed Medical Journal) ( Index Copernicus) |
Award |
1. Fellowship of Association of Surgeons of India 2. Fellowship of Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endo Surgeons 3. Fellowship of International College of Laparoscopic Surgeons 4. Fellowship of Association of Minimal Access Surgery |
1. Niranjan A., Agrawal N, Agarwal Vijay, Srivastava V. Enigma of forgotten double J Stent, letter to editor in Saudi journal of kidney diseases and transplantation, 2010: 21(1);157-59. 2. Gupta A, Gupta K, Gupta PK, Agrawal N, Rastogi B, Efficacy of thoracic epidural anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, published in Anesthesia: Essays and Researches 5(2);Jul-Dec 2011, pp 138-41. 3. Elhence P, Bansal R, Agrawal N : Heterotopic pancreas in gall bladder associated with chronic cholecystolithiasis, International journal of applied and basic medical research, Jul-Dec. 2010, vol. 2 (2), 142-143. 4. Gupta A, Agarwal N , Sharma D, Ultrasound guided ilioinguinal block: The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2010 vol 29 no. 1. 5. Bansal P, Agrawal N, Gupta K, Gupta PK, : Anaesthetic implications in Primary Hyperthyroidism with severe Hypercalcaemia; a case report : The Indian Anaesthetists forum , July 2013; 14(9):1-5. 6. Agrawal N, Gupta A, Gupta K, Khare S, A research article “Feasibility of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Under Spinal Anesthesia” published in Peoples journal of scientific research, Vol5(2) July 2012. 7. Sharma S, Bansal R, Agrawal N, Khare A, .Bhorasey VV A case note “Tuberculosis of the gallbladder clinically mimicking carcinoma – a case report” published in JIMA vol. 110, number 06, June 2012. 8. Sharma S, Bansal R, Khare A, Agrawal N, Published a case report “Mucinous carcinoma of breast: Cytodiagnosis of a case,”, in Journal of Cytology, Jan 2011, vol.28, issue 1, pp 42-44. Khare S , Agarwal N, Jain S, Agarwal A :Anatomic consideration in placement of central venous catheters: A cadavaric study : Comparison of supraclavicular anterior and posterior internal jugular venous approach: J. Ana.Soc. India 60(1) 26-30 ( 2011) 10. Niranjan A, Agrawal N, Nagar AM, Illeal obstruction : A rare complication due to appendicular band. JIMA vol 108 no.9 Sept. 2010 pp 604-5 11. Chawla S, Bansal R, Sharma S, Agarwal N, KhareA, Jain V, Non-Gestational cervical choriocarcinoma with urinary bladder metastasis: A unusual case report:: JK Science, Vol.12 No. 3, July-September 2010. 12. Niranjan A, Agrawal N, Agrawal T, Agrawal M, Current topic “Deep vein thrombosis : review and update”., Published in JIMA vol 108 April 2010. 13. Khare S, Jain S , Sharma A, Agarwal N A case of two intussusception with Meckel’s diverticulum : A case report : People’s Journal of Scientific Research: Vol.2(2) July 2009 pp 27-30. 14. Khare A, Bansal R, Agrawal N, Sharma S, Elhence P, Primary ovarian mixed mullerian tumor with urinary bladder metastasis a case report ; International journal of Gyn. And Obst, India , Sep.- Oct. 2007, vol. 10(5) pp 60-62. 15. Singhal B.M., Pandey. S., Agrawal N., Khare S: Anatomical Variation in Recurrent Laryngeal nerve- Important Risk Factors in injuries during thyroid surgery, Journal of Anatomical Sciences Vol-18 No.1. June 2010 ISSN No. 0970-1842. Page-15-21 16. Kansal R, Agarwal N, Khare S, Agrawal S: Uterine anomaly ( A case report) unicornuate uterus with a rudimentary horn :: J. Anat. Sciences .17 (1) June 2009, 24-28 17. Agarwal N, Khare S, Niranjan A, Richa Kansal, Shilpi Jain , Shaleen Agrawal : Endosopic anatomy of the anterior abdominal wall for laparoscopic mesh repair of groin hernia : J. Ana. Sciences. 17(2) Dec.2009, 84-89. 18. Agrawal N, Agrawal T, Niranjan A, Thakur SK : Role of PSA in diagnosis and management of ca prostate. Published in Patna Journal of Medicine Jan 2007 vol. 80(1) pp 3-6. 19. Niranjan A, Agrawal N, Agrawal T, Srivastav A Abdominal compartment syndrome a surgical emergency : an approach to diagnosis and management. Patna Journal of Medicine Jan 2007 vol. 81(1) pp 7-12. 20. Agrawal T, Thakur SK, Niranjan A, Agrawal N : Role of diagnostic laparoscopy in chronic pelvic pain. Patna journal of Medicine 2006 Nov vol. 80(11) pp 188-190. 21. Agrawal N, Kansal R, Khare S, Thakur SK : Medical records: A medicolegal document – a review article, Patna journal of Medicine: vol. (81) No. 03, pp 42-44. LIST OF PUBLICATION IN YEAR 2013 1. Sartaj A, Goel P, Kansal R, Goel K, Agrawal N, Prashar P, : Utilization of assisted reproductive technology as a surrogacy and related issues, International journal of Contemporary Surgery, 2013, Vol. 1 issue 1 pp33-37. 2. Singhal BM, Kaval S, Khare S, Singh CP, Agrawal N : Sentinel node biopsy in breast cancer – Anatomical perspectives, Journal of Anatomical sciences june 2013; 21(1): 24 – 32. 3. Singla D, Thami G, Agrawal N, : An unusual case of bowel perforation due to ingestion of foreign body : International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research; 2014, pg 5-7. LIST OF PUBLICATION IN YEAR 2014 1. Comparision between the conventional method and molecular line probe assay for identification and drug sensitivity of mycobacteria tuberculosis from clinical specimens – Ritu Kansal, Molly Madan, Richa Kansal, Vivek Agwan, Isha Bansal, Nivesh Agrawal, published in Indian journal of pharmaceutical and biological research, Sept. 2014; 2(3): 80-83, ISSN: 2320-9267. 2. Study of cases of urinary tract infection in rural population – Richa Kansal, Prema Panjeta, R.Mahendru, Isha Bansal, Nivesh Agrawal, Sunita Siwach, published in International journal of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Research Aug 2014;2(4):113-115. ISSN no. 2347-7008. 3. Laproscopic management of a giant ovarian cyst – Deepak Singla, Richa Kansal, Isha Bansal, Gaurav Thami, Nivesh Agrawal: Accepted on June 2014 and published in Dec. 2014 in Asian Pacific journal of health sciences, 2014;1(4S):43-46. eISSN:2349-0659, p-ISSN: 2350-0964. 4. Sister Mary Joseph nodule as a clinical sign in a case of advanced gastric carcinoma – Deepak Kr. Singla, Ruchi Agrawal, Richa Kansal, Gaurav Thami, Isha Bansal, Nivesh Agrawal, accepted for publication on June 2014 and published in Dec. 2014 in Asian Pacific journal of health sciences, 2014;1(4S):40-42. e-ISSN: 2349-0659, p-ISSN: 2350-0964. List of publication in 2015-16 1. Published an original article “Comparative Analysis of Muscle Splitting Versus Muscle Dividing Incision in Open Cholecystectomy.” Sanjeev Singla, Mamta Singla, Sundeep Singla, Gaurav Thami, Pushpinder Mallik, Nivesh Agrawal, in Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 94, November 23; Page: 15896-15898, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/2310. 2. Published an original research “Clinical Profile of Diabetic Foot Ulcers of Patients Attending Surgical OPD in Rural Medical College.” Sanjeev Singla, Sundeep Singla, Mamta Singla, Gaurav Thami, Pushpinder Mallik, Deepak, Nivesh Agrawal, M. K Garg. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 102, December 21; Page: 16736-16738, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/2505. 3. A STUDY OF PREDICTIVE FACTORS IN LAPAROSCOPIC CHOLECYSTECTOMY DETERMINING CONVERSION TO OPEN CHOLECYSTECTOMY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BODY MASS INDEX. Gaurav Thami et al. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci/ eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 4/ Issue 74/ Sept 14, 2015 Page 12894. (Index Copernicus) 4. A CLINICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL STUDY OF ETIOLOGY AND SITE OF STRICTURE URETHRA. Gaurav Thami et al, Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2015; Vol. 4, Issue 74, September 14; Page: 12904-12907, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2015/1861.(Index Copernicus) Dr. Nivesh Agrawal Presentation List 1. Presented paper on “ Colostomyvs immediate anastomosis in cases of malignancy of colorectal region” at 7th International conference RGCON 2008, 7th -9th March, New Delhi. 2. Presented a paper on “ Right to health – A medicolegal study” at National seminar sponsored by ICSSR , Govt. of India on Right to health : Needs Law and Policy, at Subharti Law College, Meerut, on 29th Sept. 2012. 3. Presented a paper on “ Role of diagnostic laproscopy in cases of blunt injury abdomen” at Trauma 2010, 26th -28th Nov. at AIIMS trauma centre , New Delhi at 3rd annual conference of ISTAC. 4. Presented a paper on “Randomized comparative study between suturelesspreperitoneal inlay and sublay technique in ventral hernia repair” at 70th annual conference of ASI, Dec. 15th -20th 2010, at AIIMS New Delhi. 5. Presented a paper on “Blunt thoracic and Abdominal trauma: A prospective study at International conference, Trauma 2008, at AIIMS, New Delhi, 28th -30th Nov. 2008. 6. Presented a paper on “Illeal obstruction: A rare complication due to appendicular band” at 68th ASICON, 25th -30th Dec. 2008, Ludhiana. 7. Delivered a Guest lecture on “ Screening and prevention of CA Breast” at CME update on Advances in management of Ca Breast, 3rd April 2010, SMC, Meerut. 8. Presented a paper on “A study of 5 cases of retrosternal goiter” at 34th UPASICON 7th -9th Nov. 2008, Bareilly. 9. Presented a paper on “Enigma of forgotten DJ stents” at 34thUPASICON 7th -9th Nov. 2008, Bareilly. 10. Presented a paper on “A comparative study of open inlay perperitonealsutureless mesh repair to overlay mesh repair in cases of incisional, epigastric, and paraumbilical hernia, at 33rd UPASICON, 2nd -4th Nov. 2007 at Varanasi. 11. Presented a paper on “Primary ovarian mixed mullerian tumor with urinary bladder metastasis – A case creating clinical dilemma” at 16th Annual conference of UPPATHMICON- 2007, 6th Oct. , at SMC., Meerut. 12. Presented a paper on “Two cases of ulcerative colitis with giant pseudo-polyposis” at 16th Annual conference of UPPATHMICON- 2007, 6th Oct. , at SMC., Meerut. 13. Presented a paper on “Prepenilescrotum : A rare developmental and anatomical variant – A case report”, at Annual conference of UP chapter of The anatomical society of India, 18th Nov. 2006 at SMC, Meerut. 14. Presented a paper on “A study of diagnostic laproscopy in patients having right iliac fossa pain” at 32nd UPASICON, 3rd -5th Nov. 2006, at Allahabad. 15. Presented a paper on “A study of clinical profile, FNAC, Histopathology, & Thyroid antibodies in diagnosis of thyroid enlargement” at 28th UPASICON, 8th to 10th Nov. 2002, GSVM, Kanpur. 16. Presented a paper on “Fall from height – A prospective study of head injury in children” at 28th UPASICON, 8th to 10th Nov. 2002, GSVM, Kanpur. 17. Presented a paper on “Necrotising fasciitis in paediatric age group” at 28th UPASICON, 8th to 10th Nov. 2002, GSVM, Kanpur. 18. Presented a paper on “Role of laproscopy in acute abdomen” at 28th UPASICON, 8th to 10th Nov. 2002, GSVM, Kanpur. "S Singla, M Singla, S Singla, G Thami, P Malik, N Aggarwal, Comparitive study between minicholecystectomy versus lap cholecystectomy Journal of Contemporary Medical Research 3 (8), 2209-2211" "CD Bansal P, Dureja J, Agrawal N, ultrasound guided transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block for inguinal surgery in a case with severe kypho-scoliosis and pectus excavatum Anaesthesia, Pain and Intensive Care 19 (3), 386-389" "A Gupta, K Gupta, PK Gupta, N Agarwal, B Rastogi, Efficacy of thoracic epidural anesthesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy Anesthesia, essays and researches 5 (2), 138" "P Elhence, R Bansal, N Agrawal, Heterotopic pancreas in gall bladder associated with chronic cholecystolithiasis International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research 2 (2), 142" "A Niranjan, N Agarwal, V Agarwal, A Srivastava, Enigma of forgotten double J stent Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 21 (1), 157" "Oligohydramnios maternal & fetal outcome in pregnant females R Kansal, I Bansal, D Singla, N Agrawal, G Thami Asian Pacific Journal of Health Sciences 4 (2), 235-40" "DK Singla, R Kansal, I Bansal, G Thami, N Agrawal, Case report: laparoscopic management of a giant ovarian cyst Asian Pac J Health Sci 1, 43-46" |